What are the "Search & Filter" and "Customise" button on the Transactions page on the Merchant & Partner Portal

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Check out the below video to see what the buttons can do for you.

Alternatively, refer to the below:

On the transactions page, the Search and Filter button allows users to search transaction data based on Merchant, Merchant ID, Terminal ID, Transaction ID, Currency, Amount, and Status. There is also a date range selection available to filter based on dates to search for specific customers satisfying the given search criteria.

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By clicking the Show More button, there are other filter criteria by transaction in which data can be searched such as Card Scheme, Type and Channel. 

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The Customise button allows users to customise the columns of the dashboard to show the details you need to know. 

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When you export the dashboard as a CSV file via the Download button, all the columns will appear on the CSV file according to how you customise the view on the dashboard.

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