Mastercard and Visa Decline Return Codes

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This article contains details of Mastercard & Visa decline return codes, and a detailed explanation of each response.

Mastercard Decline Return Codes 

Scheme Response Code

Merchant Advice Code

Merchant Advice Description

Examples of Reason for Decline

Suggested Merchant Action

00 05 14

1 Updated / additional information needed

• Expired card
• Account upgrade
• Portfolio sale
• Conversion

Obtain new account information before next billing cycle
51 2 Try again later

Over credit limit
• Insufficient funds

Retry transaction 72 hours later

05 14

3 Do not try again

• Account closed

Do not retry. Obtain another type of payment from cardholder
5 2 Payment Cancellation

 Cardholder cancelled recurring agreement

Do not resubmit transaction


Visa Decline Return Codes

Category 1: Issuer will never approve
4  Pick up card [no fraud] Reattempt not permitted
7  Pick up card, special condition [fraud account] 12 Reattempt not permitted
(Invalid Transaction)
14 Invalid account number [no such number]1 Reattempt not permitted
15 No such issuer [first 8 digits of account number do not relate to an issuing identifier] Reattempt not permitted
41 Lost card, pick up Reattempt not permitted
43 Stolen card, pick up Reattempt not permitted
46 Closed account Reattempt not permitted
57 Transaction not permitted to cardholder Reattempt not permitted
R0 Stop payment order2 Reattempt not permitted
R1 Revocation of authorization order2 Reattempt not permitted
R3  Revocation of all authorizations order2 Reattempt not permitted
Category 2: Issuer cannot approve at this time 
3 Invalid merchant Reattempt permitted up to 15 attempts in 30 days
19 Re-enter transaction Reattempt permitted up to 15 attempts in 30 days
51 Not sufficient funds Reattempt permitted up to 15 attempts in 30 days
59 Suspected fraud Reattempt permitted up to 15 attempts in 30 days
60 Exceeds approval amount limit Reattempt permitted up to 15 attempts in 30 days
61 Restricted card [card invalid in region or country] Reattempt permitted up to 15 attempts in 30 days
65 Exceeds withdrawal frequency limit Reattempt permitted up to 15 attempts in 30 days
78 Blocked, first used, or special condition [account is temporarily blocked] Reattempt permitted up to 15 attempts in 30 days
91 Issuer or switch inoperative Reattempt permitted up to 15 attempts in 30 days
93 Transaction cannot be completed – violation of law Reattempt permitted up to 15 attempts in 30 days
96 System malfunction Reattempt permitted up to 15 attempts in 30 days
Category 3: Data quality, Revalidate payment information
14 Invalid account number [no such number]1 Reattempt not permitted
54  Expired card or expiration date missing Reattempt not permitted
82 Negative Online CAM, dCVV, iCVV, or CVV results3 Reattempt not permitted
1A Additional customer authentication required [Europe Region only] Reattempt not permitted
6P Verification Failed [Cardholder Identification does not match issuer records] Reattempt not permitted
N7 Decline for CVV2 failure Reattempt not permitted

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