Cardholder Data Import
We are happy to import your sensitive customer data from any other payment processor. To initiate the process, please request a data export from your current provider and request them to transfer it to us via a secure connection.
Data Transfer Process
Our preferred data transfer process:
- We will contact your old provider and provide them with a Public Encryption Key (link to PGP Key).
- We will request your old provider to provide an Encryption Key, so we can send them the SFTP credentials for upload.
- Your old provider will encrypt the data with our Encryption Key and load the data to the TILL SFTP server.
- We will perform the data import.
Once the import is complete, we will provide you with a newline-delimited JSON, with each line containing the old and the new reference ID of one card.
{ “newReferenceId”: ”abcdefghijklmnopqr”, ”oldReferenceId”: “388333B”, customerId: “AT-2938938” }
{ “newReferenceId”: ”8291edi3ndidn393un”, ”oldReferenceId”: “7837373”, customerId: “DE-3838832”
Data Format
The data will be provided in CSV or JSON with UTF-8 encoding. The data provided must follow the conventions set out in the table below.
Data provided in a different format may cause importing delays.
Please note: The encrypted file may not exceed a file size of 25 Megabytes. Please split the file into several chunks if it exceeds the file size limit.
Text qualifier or encapsulation: none or " Delimiter or field separator: , (comma) or ;(semicolon) A header column which identifies each field must be included. |
Newline-delimited JSON (one valid JSON per line)http://jsonlines.orgThe key of each field shall match the field names of the tables below, we don’t support nested JSON, data must be provided as String types only. |
The following data fields can be imported during the data transfer processes. Please include the field name in the data migration file:
Required fields:
Field name | Description | Example |
creditcard.number | The primary account number (PAN) of the card | 4111111111111111 |
creditcard.expiration_month | The credit card's expiration month in the format: M or MM |
1 (M) 01 (MM) |
creditcard.expiration_year | The credit card's expiration year (YYYY) |
2020 |
reference_id | ID or token representing this card to the merchant in the former processor's system | 83389B |
Field name | Description | Example |
creditcard.cardholder_name | The cardholder name of the card (technically this is optional, but usually you will want to know the cardholder name) | John Smith |
customer.identification | Any identification representing the user of customer in your shop or ERP system | AT-2938938 |
customer.first_name | First name of the customer | John |
customer.last_name | Last name of the customer | Smith |
customer.billing_address1 | Street address line 1 | Shortroad 33 |
customer.billing_address2 | Street address line 2 | Unit A |
customer.billing_city | City | Sydney |
customer.billing_postcode | Postal Code/Zip code | 2000 |
customer.billing_state | State | NSW |
customer.billing_country | 2-letter country code | AU |
customer.billing_phone | Phone number | +61401006732 | | The company associated with the billing address | Example Inc. | | Email address of the customer | |
customer.ip_address | IP address of the customer | |
customer.national_id | The national ID (e.g. social insurance number) of the customer | AT39398881 |
customer.gender | Either M for male or F for female | M |