Cardholder Data Import

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Cardholder Data Import

We are happy to import your sensitive customer data from any other payment processor. To initiate the process, please request a data export from your current provider and request them to transfer it to us via a secure connection.

Data Transfer Process

Our preferred data transfer process:

  • We will contact your old provider and provide them with a Public Encryption Key (link to PGP Key).
  • We will request your old provider to provide an Encryption Key, so we can send them the SFTP credentials for upload.
  • Your old provider will encrypt the data with our Encryption Key and load the data to the TILL SFTP server.
  • We will perform the data import.

Once the import is complete, we will provide you with a newline-delimited JSON, with each line containing the old and the new reference ID of one card.


{ “newReferenceId”: ”abcdefghijklmnopqr”, ”oldReferenceId”: “388333B”, customerId: “AT-2938938” }
{ “newReferenceId”: ”8291edi3ndidn393un”, ”oldReferenceId”: “7837373”, customerId: “DE-3838832”


Data Format

The data will be provided in CSV or JSON with UTF-8 encoding. The data provided must follow the conventions set out in the table below.

Data provided in a different format may cause importing delays.

Please note: The encrypted file may not exceed a file size of 25 Megabytes. Please split the file into several chunks if it exceeds the file size limit.

Text qualifier or encapsulation: none or "
Delimiter or field separator: , (comma) or ;(semicolon)
A header column which identifies each field must be included.
Newline-delimited JSON (one valid JSON per line)http://jsonlines.orgThe key of each field shall match the field names of the tables below, we don’t support nested JSON, data must be provided as String types only.

The following data fields can be imported during the data transfer processes. Please include the field name in the data migration file:

Required fields:

Field name Description Example
creditcard.number The primary account number (PAN) of the card 4111111111111111
creditcard.expiration_month The credit card's expiration month in the format: M or MM

1 (M)

01 (MM)

creditcard.expiration_year The credit card's expiration year (YYYY)


reference_id ID or token representing this card to the merchant in the former processor's system 83389B
Optional fields:
Field name Description Example
creditcard.cardholder_name The cardholder name of the card (technically this is optional, but usually you will want to know the cardholder name) John Smith
customer.identification Any identification representing the user of customer in your shop or ERP system AT-2938938
customer.first_name First name of the customer John
customer.last_name Last name of the customer Smith
customer.billing_address1 Street address line 1 Shortroad 33
customer.billing_address2 Street address line 2 Unit A
customer.billing_city City Sydney
customer.billing_postcode Postal Code/Zip code 2000
customer.billing_state State NSW
customer.billing_country 2-letter country code AU
customer.billing_phone Phone number +61401006732 The company associated with the billing address Example Inc. Email address of the customer
customer.ip_address IP address of the customer
customer.national_id The national ID (e.g. social insurance number) of the customer AT39398881
customer.gender Either M for male or F for female M

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