How to process MOTO Transactions on a Standalone PAX A920 terminal

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Step Number_Navy_01.png

Press Purchase MOTO or Refund MOTO on the main menu depending on your transaction.


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Enter the Purchase or Refund amount and press Done.

Purchase Amount.gif  

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Enter your Merchant Password and press Done.

Till Portable_MOTO_Enter-Password.gif

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Select Telephone Order or Mail Order

Till Portable_MOTO_Account-Type.png

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Enter the number and expiry date of the customer’s card and press Done.


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The terminal will start processing the transaction once all the details are inserted.

Purchase_Tap to Purchase.gif

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When most of the transaction is processed on the terminal, it will be sent to the card issuer (Host) for approval.

Purchase_Connect to Host.gif  

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The terminal will advise if the transaction/refund has been approved.

Payment Approved-02.gif

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