COMPORT Error and Openport Error might appear differently on your Ingenico Move5000, but the solution to these errors is the same. Follow the steps below for troubleshooting.
Please note: if you have multiple POS screens, Linkly software can be opened on another screen.
On POS Screen
Minimise POS Software.
Open Taskbar Directory
Locate and double-click the C program on the taskbar. It may be in the hidden icons (arrow pointing up).
Open "C" icon (also known as Linkly Client GUI).
This should open Linkly Client GUI.
COM Port Error: Check the error next to the COM Port.
NVALID PORT/ERROR 123 means it is looking at the wrong port. Open the COM Port drop-drown menu next to the error field and select INGENICO. If it is not there, please follow the process from here.
If you see PORT OPEN in the error field, the terminal is most likely not in Integrated mode or Bluetooth on the base is not working properly. Follow the steps in Move5000 Integrated troubleshooting.