How to switch between USB and Serial Integration on an Integrated Ingenico Move5000

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Step Number_Navy_01.png

Press the FUNC key and insert the number 11112227.
Then press the ENTER key highlighted below.


Step Number_Navy_02.png

When requested to configure terminal comms, press ENTER.


Step Number_Navy_03.png

Select SERIAL on the screen.


Step Number_Navy_04.png

On this screen, you can check the type of connection the current setup is on, which will be either:

  • Serial
  • USB Slave

Make your selection determined by cable setups.

  • Serial Cable (Ensure the serial connector is plugged into the COM0 or COM1 port in the back and has a black cable).


  • USB SLAVE is a USB Connector. The Red-tipped cable will be connected to the top of the base.


Step Number_Navy_05.png

Once the correct connection has been selected, you will be directed to a page requesting for the protocol.

Make your selection determined by the cable setup.

  • Serial: Select ASYNC
  • USB Slave: Select VLI 115200


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